
Ok so here is what happened when i fought the street boxer and mma black belt?

by  |  earlier

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they both charged me at the same time and i jumped over them and landed behind them and they both turned around stunned at my tenacity and then the mma black belt came up and i used judo chop on his neck and fell down and then street boxer came up and i did the exact same thing but i have another fight next week and i am scared that my opponents are getting wise to my judo chop technique... is there any other move that works perfectly as well to quickly knock out top rated opponents? thank you very much... my master wont give me any more secrets yet, he says i am not ready but i am!! i need secret teqniques




  1. trolling trolling trolling

    are there any other places you go to be insulted or are you just prone to LSD flash backs?

    How do you like your chops baked fried bbq'ed ?

    bad bub must be one of your clone identitys

  2. Yes!  Super Karate ROCKS!  Now here is what you do,...

    A SUpEr DoOPeR DoUbLE GaTE KiCk right to their mastoids bEfoR they turn around!  Remember, you may use this SUpEr DoOPeR DoUbLE GaTE KiCk strike straight to the face too!

    Go with the moment grasshopper do what you must.

    Katana,..Birds of a feather my man,...birds of a feather.

    Great to sEe yoU here!


    Tiffany, are ruining my breakfast.

  3. mma blackbelt. i love it.

  4. Not clever enough to be funny.

  5. So when exactly did you wake up from this dream? After you fell on your head from jumping over the two of them? Or when they knocked the c**p out of you?. Here's a secret for you, stop watching Kung Fu Hustle before bed time. It might help you stop having these dreams.

  6. Man! you better go to some self defence classes cos I know that you will one day need it!

  7. hmmm....idk....i kinda remember this technique......i think its called the your not funny stop posting these questions kick...from the ancient art of nobody likes you fu

  8. ha ha poke em in the eye

  9. Sorry Ricky.

    Roman style was to put the point of the sword against your chest and fall forward.  The handle would impact with the ground driving the point of the blade through the heart.  Death is swift.

    But you don't want that for him.  You want something slow, painful, and devoid of typing ability.

  10. you are a very very special little boy. Do you want a lollipop?? oh oh let me wipe that drool for ya.

  11. Are you sure????Ive studied judo for a long time and it doesnt work that way.Who is your sensai?? Try a hard punch to the back of the head. Its lethal though so be careful.

  12. Ok, this technique has been guarded by many emos for many years, lie in a bath tub, slice ur wrists open at ur veins, than bleed to death u loser.

    its called killing urself Roman style.

    no one likes u

  13. Just open your mouth and talk and they will think you are a r****d and it wont be any fun to beat you up. I think you play the part too well for it to be acting.

    Edit- lol @ Tiffany B troll. The guys you mention are either champions or could be contenders. There are plenty of others that know BJJ that lose. Deal with it. I have probably been in Martial arts longer then you have been alive. Obviously your BJJ teacher does not stress respect for other people. Go figure huh?

  14. you need more work grassshopper!!!!!!!!!

  15. this guy is an idiot. katana 17 the ibjjf governs jiu jitsu and has annual world championships. also your comment about matt hughes defeating royce gracie. I think you should do some research before your answer questions matt hughes is a mfs fighting systems jiu jitsu black belt. george st pierre jjiu jitsu brown belt, bj penn black belt, anderson silva black belt, nogeria black belt, frank mir black belt when is the last time you saw any of these guys get there a**** handed to them.

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