
Ok so heres the thing... please help?

by  |  earlier

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me and my boyfriend are having a baby and no it wasn't planned but i am keeping i and am very happy with it i am 4 months.. so heres the thing my boyfriend just moved into a new apartment no we don't live together either.. anyway his mates just told him he can move in with them in 2 or 3 weeks but its a party house all his mates live there all men and there is always party's going on i don't want him to move out of his new apartment and into a party house what am i suppose to do when i come up and stay with the baby? i wont leave the baby with him on his own in that house either.. am i being selfish ? what should i say or do?

and in case anyone is wondering i am 20 i will be 21 having this baby and my boyfriend is 24 and his mates that want him to move in with into the party house are all around his age too..




  1. Tell him about your concern.

    If he truly cares about this baby then he'll at least consider it and stay in his own apartment.  

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