
Ok so i'm feeling pretty mean tonight.......?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 33 weeks pregnant and i've had it--

my husband and i let my younger brother 20 and his 7month pregnant gf stay with us for a month-- they left early and went to my other brothers house because they said i wouldn't take them places (they have no jobs, no car, nothing). now mind you we were feeding them, housing them, and taking them to necessary places while here (and also we were in the middle of moving ourselves too). we did NOT have them pay any type of rent, help with food, etc-- we only asked that they help with our 4yr old while we were moving and getting things squared away (pretty good deal wouldn't you say?). well it didn't take long for them to quit helping all together (just a few days) and they would eat my sons snacks all up, etc so i refused to tote them around town-i figured they could take the bus, and its time for them to grow up, they are going to be parents and need to find their own way in this life. its not our responsibility to take care of them!





  1. Don't feel guilty at all.  My hubby and I have already decided that we wouldn't like for either one of our siblings to have to move in with us for any amount of time.  

    Are they on welfare?  Why doesn't your brother have a job.  It really must be nice to just mooch off of someone.

  2. OMG! Dont feel bad at all they are just being lazy bums. They have to understand that they are going to be a family now and u have ur own family to worry about its sweet that u help them out but they need to get a job get a place and go on.... (and them eating ur childs food?) that is wrong!!!! Just Just so wrong u did right to show them whos boss. I would have done the exact same thing. Childrens brains are like sponges they absorbe everything so keep education ur child the way u are. Your a good mother don't let ur brothers make u think ur an awful person

  3. go you! sure it feels bad that you had to be rough but your point needed to get across. you helped out way more than someone else would have and your generosity should be appreciated. i'm not trying to be rude but your brother and g/f have a big responsibility on the way and need to step up.

  4. I would probably do the same thing! Then again i would feel guilty after wards. But think about it, isn't it about time your brother grew up he cant expect to always be babyed he needs to realize that this is the real world and not always are you going to have someone there to take care of you because your too lazy to get off your *** and find a job. He should be thanking you for letting him stay in your house along with his girl friend.

    I think you did the right thing. I hope everything works out! Good luck!

  5. good on you - moochers will just keep taking as much as you'll give.

  6. Because you are a nice person they take advantage then turn it all around to make you feel like the bad guy.  They are lazy and nasty and you did right!  When they finally realize they will have to chose which bridge to live under then they will straighten up.  Otherwise your other brother is enabling them also.  You did your part, they are moochers.  Don't give in because you are responsible and have your family to look after.  They are NOT family but leaches.  Nuff said.

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