
Ok so i'm going to Italy this spring break, and...?

by  |  earlier

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and i'll be going to Venice, Rome, and also the Vatican. And i was wondering do you think it's possible i'll see the pope while at the Vatican?




  1. possible but not likely. I lived there 3 years and never saw him.

  2. i'm going to italy soon too, and those same place! lol what a coincidence. you might be able to see him from a little distance, but not actually like meet him see him.

  3. The Pope Comes out every Wednesday to Church Service at 11 oclock AM.  He Will sing for a short 8 minute. It will be very crowded so get there early, Also there is always high security, LONG LINES

  4. the pope says the angelus at noon on sundays or he has an audience on wednesdays at 10.30 but you need tickets. they are free though, you just have to book and collect. make sure you go up the cupola for the view. and have a good time.

  5. Here is a link to information and an order form for Papal audience tickets,

    For the best seats go early.  That is like hours early for the best seat.  One year we went at 7:30 AM for the 11:30 AM audience and the first row was already filled up.  We did end up on TV when they showed the audience.  

    Then there was the year my wife was blessed on the forehead by JPII......

    Be attentive to the weather.  Take a book, water, sunglasses, and a hat if you will be outside on a sunny day.

  6. You may get lucky if you are there for one of his regular audiences (from the balcony).  We were there 3 years ago and didn't see him.  We did take my brother-in-law's advice to skirt the museum stuff at the Vatican (walk quickly through it) and go straight to the Sistine Chapel.  The Vatican Museum is ok but there are better ones.  However, if you are on a tour you may have to stick with the group.  Also, if you can get tickets to the Scavi (excavations under the Vatican) it's well worth it.  You can get them on-line.    

    The people there are very friendly and helpful.  We got lost a few times very late at night and had people walk up to us and give directions, just watch out for gypsies.

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