I am an Indian and grew up in the capital New Delhi, my mother died when i was 10 and was left with my father and 3 year old brother. I had no emotional contact or affection with a female member while growing up (not to my fault) beacuse all my relatives never cared. I lived ina joint family where my dad's brothers wife made my life miserable, she always used to ignore and made me feel that i am worthless, she would make my relatives hate me and took them on her side, she always hated my dad. I think she had apersonality disorder and was always jealous, uncaring and me feel wothless. I was made to feel worthless by each and every person. My father never cared or showed affection towrads me, my brother was always the center of attention. I was ignored. growing up i always felt that there is something wrong with me and i dont deserve to be loved. I was always left alone at home because dad didnt really like being with a daughter, i was not taken out and socialised. I felt like an alien