
Ok so i have been reading guys opinions of stretch marks.?

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and they say they dont mind them if they are from growing, but not from being im just curious is this true..i mean if a woman went through a period in her life when she was overweight but is now at healthy weight is it that big of a deal...




  1. Any guy who goes "ick" over stretch marks can bite your hiney!

    Guys who are shallow enough to care about something so simple and NORMAL are NOT worth your time of day! :)

  2. Live your life, and wear your body with pride. By the time you die, your body and your skin will have endured much, and will have the scars, and the marks, and the laugh lines to show for it. Be proud of all that you go through, it is truly your life.

    And if someone loves you, they love all of you. Nothing less.

    So, relax, don't worry about the shallow ones, .. they are not for you.

    Smile and feel fine about every single mark, curve, or color that you wear on your skin, or have felt in your muscles, bones, and/or organs.

    The point is that you are alive, .. so live it, and love it, and the love will come back to you!

    And .. you might want to incorporate a tattoo with a stretch mark or two along the way....

  3. well they do have avon lotin for it i use to use it i wasnt fat but my hips kept growing at one point and it really works!

  4. reads question again.... wrong section. have no clue how to answer this. hope someone else can help out.

  5. Stretch marks are no longer a big deal. A man will love you for who you are.

    If you feel self-conscious still, you can try a few remedies to rid of your stretch marks over time.

    You can try or Google "remove stretch marks"


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