
Ok so i joined a swimming team?

by  |  earlier

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ok so what my question is... how do i swim when i got my period? do i just use like a playtix tampong? plzplzplzplz help! i think im rite but i might not me.




  1. yeah just use a tampon.  no one will even know and just change it when your done swimming.  they are perfectly OK and wont get you disqualified or anything.

  2. Yes. you can use a tampon. No big deal. I have swam competitivly for 6 years and i'm a swim coach. Don't skip practice just cause your on your may feel like you don't want to and that you have cramps and you don't think you can do it or whatever. but DO swim it will make you feel A MILLION times better!!! Just tell your coach ahead of time. hey i'm on my period and i don't feel great but i'm going to try to do as much as I can...or if you don't feel comfortable just tell them that I don't feel very good and i'm going to do the best I can but I may need to get out early and they'll understand!!!!! =) HOpe this helps!!!

  3. you can use tampons if your allowed

    sometimes you wont leak and will stop flowing depending on youu

  4. Yea, i've been swimming on a team for a while now and just use the normal tampon you use.  when ur getting out of the water just keep a towel near just in case.-but i end up usually not even needing it.-good luck!

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