
Ok so i know this person who uses marijuana

by  |  earlier

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what should i do? im thinking of getting a battering ram and smashing their door down in the middle of the night and forcing everyone to get down on the ground at gun point and then ripping through everything they own until i find it. and then when i find it i want to lock these scumbags up in a cage for like 30 years. does that sound like a good idea or what should i do?




  1. lol what a good little american are you!!

  2. umm thats not a good idea.

    you do that

    then you both will be in jail together

  3. scumbags???  for pot?????  pot does not kill like alcohol or cocaine.  it is a schedule 1 drug with powder cocaine and heroin this makes no sense.  even crack is a cheap by product of powder cocaine and you get a much worse sentence for it.   if you ram the door do what you do you should go to jail find something else to do you big dummy you.  what bible belt state do you live in?  pot makes you hungry and sleepy and forgetful not violent or out of your mind like X or any RX abused drug. speaking of doctors are the biggest drug dealers in the world.  they prescribe alot of overly powerful stuff for no need to get the laws changed and get the petty pot dealers out of jail now if they are violent that is different there are plenty of people who will kill for the right type and quantity of pot so you may be the one dead in the end.  crack and pot should not be schedule 1 drugs  and cocaine should have a much tuffer senctence.

  4. are u a cop?  u sound like u may be setting urself up for a lawsuit if you bother this guy too much...

  5. The crime you are contemplating (breaking down a door, gun drawn) is far worse, morally and legally, than smoking a joint.  You could and should get hard prison time for it.

  6. You sound like a dangerous person in need of medication.  I hope they own a gun and shoot your little brain our of your deranged head.


  7. I know somebody who uses marijuana, too. Maybe it's the same guy...

  8. You are evidently a serving police officer who is frightened of doing the job you are paid to do.  Either go do it or resign.

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