
Ok so i looked into my two gallon tank today to find out that my otco had dissapeared.?

by  |  earlier

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So where did it go

1) it could not have been eaten because the other two fish in there are guppies

2) if it died at least i should see some bones

3) it did not jump out the lid is on there always

So where did it go

the only other thing i had in there are snails that came with my java moss.

and java moss

and no java moss does not eat fish.

Where did it go. I can't find it.




  1. if it died, check the filter or just check the tank. It's just 2 gallons; it shouldn't be too hard to look for it.

  2. If it had died, your tank should emit a foul stench.

  3. maybe someone took it .

  4. my baby sister ALWAYS gets to my tank and attempts to catch the fish and/or "feeding" the fish with anything she can fit in the tank, so if there are ever kids around, they may have something to do with it... also did you mean one Oto? if so, then its probably hiding, maybe in the moss?? or under some ornamate... they are also very good at finding the best places to blend in, where they cant be found...  if it died the guppies ate it. guppies tend to nip at other fish and are onivors, so they will fight over and completly comsume the dead fish if givin a chance, and whatever is left behind, the snails would break down even further. in all times that ive had an oto, i have never seen one jump, so even without your cover, it is unlikely that the oto jumped. if there are any completly secluded hiding spots, it could be found there...

  5. Maybe someone took it?


    Well, if you were gone for a while, theres a reallly good chance that it died and the other fish fed on it's carpas. Or, it could've died and disinagrated. It also depends on the size, when my guppie had fry, most of them, i found hiding in the rocks. Theres also a very high possibility that its behind a plat, of rock, or toy. Its happened to me several times!(:

    We all have our moments.

    Hope this helped a little!


  6. octopi don't have bones

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