
Ok so i need to know about RFK and him in the civil rights!!?

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Ok so i need to know about RFK and him in the civil rights!!?




  1. Some highlights in RFK's role in the civil rights movement:

    In 1961 Kennedy was appointed attorney general of the United States. He continued his war against organized crime, involving seriously for the first time the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In May, after Freedom Riders seeking to integrate buses and bus terminals in Montgomery, Alabama, were harassed by local vigilantes, Kennedy sent 500 federal marshals to protect them. Kennedy also successfully petitioned the Interstate Commerce Commission to ban racial segregation in interstate bus terminals. Later he put an end to segregation in all forms of interstate transportation.

    In the fall of 1962, when James Meredith, a black student, was admitted to the all-white University of Mississippi, Kennedy sent marshals to insure that he entered safely. When they proved inadequate in the face of mob violence, President Kennedy sent federal troops to restore order. "Ole Miss" was successfully integrated, as was the University of Alabama in June 1963, despite the resistance of Governor George Wallace. Kennedy went to Alabama to persuade Wallace to comply, but after Wallace proved unresponsive he left one of his chief aides behind, who, with the aid of marshals and the federalized Alabama National Guard, enforced the federal district court's desegregation order. Kennedy committed the FBI to the struggle for racial justice, though he compromised his principles by granting its chief, J. Edgar Hoover--who hated Martin Luther King, Jr.--as a quid pro quo, authorization to tap the telephones of King and other leaders of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

    More details at the cited links.

  2. Expand your question and add some details. Maybe you will get more answers.

  3. i don't know much about RFK but I do know RFK Stadium is an AWESOME place to hold big venue events!!!! <3

  4. Robert F Kennedy was the attorney General  during during President John F Kennedy's term as president

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