
Ok so i work at a zoo

by  |  earlier

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and we are getting in some Bison, now i couldn't ask the other keeper this, as she was busy, but do Bison moo or what sound do they make?

and we are also getting in another Ostrich , as out Ostrich female died recently after a tree fell in the exhibit, but do the females make the same noise as the males?

I mean i'ma qualified zoo keeper, but ostriches and bison aren't my niche or forte' so i'm trying to get to know them a little better.

now ask me about monkeys or native aussie wildlife and i'm with you.....




  1. I think you will have more luck asking in Zoology. :)

  2. Haha well Bison are known to not moo or bawl but rather make noises such as grunt and roar.

    And Ostrich tehy have an extensive range of noises including whistling, snorting, guttural noises and 'booming' calls as well as bill snapping and stomach rumbling! Booming is a wonderfully characteristic call used to proclaim territory and during mating display. It's a deep descending Boo boo... boohoooooo repeated several times.

    Anyways there so information :)

  3. Bison make more of a snorting sound or roar ish thing  they don't moo  I don't  know about Ostriches though.
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