
Ok so im 14 and i feel wierd. please answer!?

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ok im 14 and something doesnt feel right. so heres a short life story. when i was 7 my dad moved out. i have never had a boyfriend because i dont like people being close to me or getting to know me. i dont know why this is. i blame my self for my dad moving out and i dont know why. and now i feel in bad moods all the time. i only go out on weekend and thats not even for that long. i feel like something is controlling me all the time and telling me what to do. at night i sit at my computer and listen to depressing songs about things that go wrong in life for people. i really want to get my life back on track but i dont know where to start. people are starting to notice that something isnt right and i dont want people to find this out. please please help me




  1. Dear laura I very much doubt it would be your fault at 7 .Why your dad moved out. get your self into some school or out ie sport .dancing .theatre .Preferably with friends.Get an interest in something best wishes

  2. I will be glad to help you.  First, you have to get rid of the idea that your dad moving out was your fault.  That is the very first thing.

    Secondly, you are suffering from depression.  Have a family member take you to a psychiatrist, so you can be put on some medications.  This will help the depression, plus give you more self confidence, more outgoing, etc,

    If you ever need to talk you can e-mail me at

    I am Prozac for depression, and anxiety and panic attacks.

  3. your dad moved out because he didnt get on with your mum, thats it, thousands of dads move out of marital homes because of a break down in marriage not because of there kids, mine left home, i never blamed myself i blamed him coz he had an affair, does he ever see you, if he doesnt its not because of you its because some blokes are just rats simple as that and will never change no matter how  angelic there  kids are, you are most certainly depressed you must stop bottling it up you need to tell your mum how you are feeling, you have all the signs not wanting to go out etc, not having a boyfriend i dont think thats an issue here thow coz most 14 yr olds dont either but i understand what your saying when you say you cant get close to anybody, is that because you cant show your feelings to people including family have you not been shown much affection growing up, you need to talk to mum, you will feel lots better when you do, you have explained yourself well on here now go talk to mum she needs to know otherwise your feelings are going to get worse.

  4. Start by not listening to those songs. It's like injecting your brain with misery.

    it's great you want to get your life back on track.

    Start by finding a new genre of music that doesnt make you feel so down

  5. you sound like you may be suffering some mild depression symptoms, probably brought on by the situation with your dad. do you have a relationship with him? i think that forming a solid, loving relationship with your father will help. also, i'm assuming that you live with your mother? if so, i suggest that you talk to her. let her know how you are feeling about the split up. by now, you are old enough for her to explain some of the real issues behind the split, and i GUARANTEE you were not the reason. most children from broken homes feel this way at some point, and puberty usually makes it worse.

    i really think that your mother can be your best friend in this situation. she went through the split up too. not to mention, she was 14 once. most kids believe that their parents have no idea what they are going through, but truth be told, all parents went through similar situations and emotions when they were young. i'm positive that your mother can relate to you on some level.

  6. Your only 14, so dont worry about boys. Your not really old enough to have a real boyfreind anyways. Your dad moving out is not your fault and thats something your going to have to realize. Even if you were an angel child, do you think that relly would of made him stay? He left because he wanted too. Going out on weekends is good. And even if you dont do it intentionally, the more negative things you notice, and the more negatively you think about yourself the shittier you are going to feel. You need to start thinking postivly. Its hard and it takes awhile, but you need too. You are a special person with special talents, you just need to realize that. Plus on top of that you are going threw puberty, your emotions are all messed up. Just focus on being who you are and maybe try to pick up a hobby to pass the time and have fun!

  7. Hey, you're right something isn't right, and well I wanna commend you for picking this out. I think you're quite depressed, I think you should do something for yourself to boost your confidence. Please get some help, and talk to somebody about this. Your dad moving out was NOT your fault. I think you should do something that makes you feel good about yourself (spend the day at a spa, retail therapy etc), take a day out for yourself, and talk to someone about whats bothering you. Drop me a mail if you need anything x Also, I think every morning you should just wake up, put some loud bouncy music on, and dance about crazily, and be like YEAH. Also, I think you should build some relationships, within your family, and make some friends, do something in which you noth share an interest in. You can't love others until you love yourself. Love yourself, because you are beautiful, and so is life, enjoy it, it doesn't last very long. Things will get better in the end, trust me. :)

  8. well most people have basically summed it all up but i have one bit of advice to you

    just go check the site out, it's a site i found two years ago and it saved my life, the people there are so easy to talk to and we're all really friendly :) hope to see u there

  9. it wasnt youre fault hunny trust me adults have there own issues and youre dad would feel real bad and hate to know that you blame yourself its not your fault at all, u should try and talk to someone huni

    youre not weird at all i remember wen i was youre age all i did was cry and i didnt no why it was part of growin up i think , it was a long phase i went thru and lettin it all out felt better, my mum found a letter i wrote about my problems and confronted me i was mad and embaressed but after that i was glad she knew wot id been going thru it the went away and i was much at ease with myself

    go out and have fun hunni , see youre dad more too or fone him maybe your supressing feelings for youre dad too xxxxx  hope youre ok soon sweetie

  10. You can start by not blaming yourself for your dad leaving. This is what is having a hold over you. The sooner you let go the sooner you can move on from this and you can be happy with your life and yourself. You should take up a hobby and try to relax. Try meditating. Just sit in a quiet place and lie down. Five minutes to however long that you needed helps most of the time and you should start to relieve some of your built up tension. Just try to focus on the positive aspects on your life and if you can't find any, it is time that you make some and try  to be positive and have a higher self esteem. You feel like if you get close to a person that you are going to get hurt. You figure that they will leave just like your dad did and that is what is holding you back just have faith and keep an open heart. Focus on living you are young.

  11. I'd suggest that when you go back to school that you talk to your guidance counselor. Sometimes needing somebody to listen to you is a big help. My mom and dad split when I was 3, I kinda felt guilty then I learned the real reason for the split. So there's more to the story than you know and that you're probably better off not knowing at such a young age.

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