
Ok so im having a panick attack and i know why, but dont know how to get rid of it?

by  |  earlier

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i drank this juice that i found out had 65 grams of sugar!

and too much sugar triggers my anxiety. And gives me an upset stomach. I'm ok with my tummy, but how do i rid of the attack?




  1. Put a rubber band around your wrist,

    and pop your self with it


    i have panic attacks alot, and the pain of the band makes me forget about that i was worrying about.


  2. I used to get panic attacks.They'd give me stomach aches too.

    I always found that lying down in a dark room, taking deep breaths helped me. If it was really bad, breathing into a paper bag also helped.

  3. i get panic attacks that are triggered by caffeine and anxiety. what helps me is lying down on my back, closing by eyes, and deep breathing. thinking about the fact that i am having a panic attack makes it worse, so i try to picture the beach or a waterfall. listening to slow, soothing music is also helpful.

  4. learn EFT and discontinue sugar and also cognitive therapy is gooodd

  5. Tell yourself that you aren't freaking out over it and just breathe, then think about how silly it is that you're freaking out about 65 grams of sugar. :)

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