
Ok so im just about 13 years old and my parents wont let me get a cell phone. Help!?

by  |  earlier

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okay so as i said I'm about 13 and i have needed a cell phone since 4th grade. i did softball. basketball. gymnastics. cheer leading. and went to multiple camps over the summer. now that I'm in middle school I'm adding school sports and a softball travel team plus some different clubs to that and babysitting. every once in a while i would take my dads cell phone to a practice or something. i need my own. yes i really want one. but i also think i need one. I'm willing to pay for the actual phone. i just need my parents to pay the monthly bill. or even prepaid phones I'm up to all choices.i don't get an allowance but I'm willing to work for it( by doing house hold chores and such). whenever i have my dad's phone I'm always responsible. I'm a good kid and i rarely get bad grades. yes like every other teenager i really want one. but i also really need one. for other parents out there why do you think my parents wont let me get one? for everyone else what can i do to convince them to let me get one.




  1. You sound like you've thought this out and are serious about dealing with is maturely. Sit down with your parents and talk to them. Explain that with all your extra curricular activities it would be handy to have a phone to contact them. If you're willing to pay for the phone and do chores and such to pay for the monthly bills, I'm sure they would appreciate that. Just explain to them that you are responsible.  

  2. You can't always get what you want...hate to break it to you that way kiddo, but it's the truth!!

    I'm sure with time and proving that you'll work to pay for it, you will eventually convince your parents that your NOT all talk and no work!!

    Oooh yeah and from 3rd grade 'til my senior year in H.S I played sports. I also, babysat and went out with friends that didn't live around the neighborhood and drove home all on my own AND I did just fine without a cell phone...NEVER had one!!!

  3. I agree with Italy J.

    Im 16 and I dont even have a cell phone.

    Just get used to it.

    A cell phone isnt really a neccesity.

    If you want you can at least tell them to buy

    you a prepaid phone.

    That way its cheaper and you can use it

    to call your parents to come and pick you up from practice and what not.


  4. Sorry for sounding rude but "GET OVER IT"

    Im sorry but god I hate when kids complain about stupid c**p that they can't have. You don't have a cell phone, ok so what, when your older you can get one.

    And for what you said "i really want one. but i also really need one."

    No you don't need one. There are plenty of children who don't have cell phones because they can't afford it or they are not allowed to have one. They survive. You'll survive a few more years with out a cell phone. Work for the money in the meantime save it up. Then when your old enough by your parents standards, get one.

    Just keep being responsible when borrowing their cell and keep the grades up like you said your doing.

    If you want to know why your parents wont let you get one, well we can't tell you that, you have to go to them and ask them what their reason is. Accept it. And move on.  

  5. Tel them you need one for your own safety..

    It's a dangerous world out there, and you need

    to be able to dial 911 incase..

  6. hey.....i'm 15 and i don't even have a phone..........'s kind of a rip-off to your parents if they have to pay the monthly bill............

    that could end up being an extra $50 a month.........

    maybe if you got a job of some kind, then you could just go out and pay for it yourself.........

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