
Ok so my guppy died in my two gallon tank. now i have one guppy and one oto left. can i add another oto.?

by  |  earlier

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And don't ask me to get a larger tank. That is not an option.




  1. More info please. And dont use abreviations, they are irritating

  2. not enough info here

  3. Do you have a heater in your tank? Guppies and Otos are tropical fish and require temps above 75.

    Edit: Oto is a perfectly acceptable abbreviation for fish hobbyists.  It's short for Otocinclus.

  4. Tank is too small for one oto cat.  So, to answer your question, no I wouldn't do it.   This site says a 20 gallon minimum, but I go with 10 gallon for one, and they do prefer to be in groups so larger would be better in that sense.  The only acceptable algae eater for that small of a tank would be a snail.

    EDIT:  To the gal giving me thumbs down, you can keep giving thumbs down all you want, and keep changing your answers as well.....Glad to see you changed your recommendation there.  And, FYI guppies do not require heaters.  They can tolerate temps into the mid to upper 60's fine.


  5. ok  your tank is two small (im not telling you to get a bigger tank im just saying)

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