
Ok. so my mom thinks sleep is the answer to everything...can you help mee pleasee! honest answers!!?

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so i swim and play water polo. i get about 7-9 hours of sleep every night. im a sophomore in high school.

over the long weekend, i went hiking and realized i was coughing a lot. like it was a bad cough from the chest. and i think im developing asthma.

i had a water polo practice today and i had the same exact cough. so 3 questions

1. is it asthma?

2. if it is how do i make my mom believe that?

3. could the sleep be part of it?




  1. It COULD be asthma, or some kind of an Allergy... If it keeps up for much longer, see if you can get the school nurse to send a note to your Mom- telling her She needs to send you to see the Doctor for a "Checkup..." -Good Luck!  :)  

  2. lack of sleep won't cause you to cough-lol

    it sounds like you might have a virus springing up.

    development of asthma would have a cough,chest tightness,and wheezing that occurs after strenous activities or exposure to allergens (dust,pollen,etc) and these symptoms would occur frequently over weeks-not days.

    I say wait at least another week to see if the cough goes away. if you start to develop problems breathing (wheezing, being short of breath, "feels like there's an elephant sitting on your chest" type of pressure) after polo practice or strenous exercise then insist your mom take you to the doctor or tell your polo coach about it and how your mom won't have you seen.

    my guess is it's just a virus. i have asthma and my 9 year old daughter was just diagnosed with it as well (she was having trouble breathing after PE in school every single time for 2 weeks-that's when we had her checked).

    good luck to you

  3. It could be anything from stress to allergies.  You can go on WED MD and check your symptoms and then maybe your Mom will take you to the doctors to find out for sure.

  4. 1. It's probably not asthma, chances are you would've noticed by now (an asthma attack is not a cough)

    2. It's probably a chest infection, in which case you actually should get lots of rest! Also a quick trip to the doctor if it hasn't gone away yet. If you really think you have asthma you can ask the doctor.

    3. Sleep has nothing to do with asthma, but like I said if you've got a chest infection you need rest.  

  5. sleep is always the answer. ALWAYS!

  6. look it can be asthma or it can be not and if it is asthma you can take your mom and go to the doctor so he can decide whether it is or it is not and for the reason to sleep sometimes it could be the answer of everything that could be happened to anyone so in your case i think that your mom is right to tell that going to sleep to have more rest is better that exercising too hard so beware and let yourself take a break atleast for 10 to 12 hours a day

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