
Ok. so my parents are divorced...

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15, my parents divorced when I was a baby - as a reult, I've never known my father. I want to ask my mum some questions about him, but I have no idea how to start the conversation - it isn't really the sort of thing you do. Help would be nice :)




  1. ask what your father was like

  2. well start of with a (tell me about how i was born) or ''what sort of thing did you do etc.'' den quickly follow ''how did you meet your first love or somthing like dat'' also follow with ''how about dad tell me about him''

    then she might tell you and ask about how did he look like and youll figure the rest out buddy

  3. I realise that it will be difficult to broach, but I suspect that your mother will be expecting you to ask the questions at some point and is ready to answer them. My daughter wanted to know about her natural father when she was 15 as well. My wife answered her questions, as we had been expecting them.

    I suppose that I am saying do not worry. Your mum would probably be more upset if you could not talk to her about it than if you do broach the subject.

    I hope that helps. Good luck

  4. I understand i had the same situation but you have to have a serious talk with her, you have a right to know him and she should tell you the truth whatever it is...Just do it

  5. first, ask her all about her father, then ask her about yours.

  6. tell her that you have the right to at least know about your dad. then if she agrees, you just ask her questions about him.

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