
Ok so the playing field has been leveled (sorta)?

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You 've got one washington insider and one newby on each ticket. So now we throw the experience/no experience argument out the window...

Now Obama/Biden and Mccain/Palin supporters, I ask you to make your case for your candidates on the following issues.



-All the crazy c**p going on with all the other countries (Iraq, Russia, China)

AND .... GO!!!!




  1. Read the records. Palin has FAR more experiance the the B.O.

    Way too much to comment on here. You would get a book. Anyway, good question.

  2. I don't affiliate with a certain party however I am def. voting for Obama in November.  

    1. I am pro-choice -I believe in a woman's right to choose

    2. I am pro-gun control -Let's see Columbine, Virginia Tech..the list goes on and on and on!

    3. Deal with Iran, Russia, China and every other country in as diplomatic a way as possible.

    4. Immigration -tighten up the borders

  3. Leveled?  Obama will lose. The Dems know it and the Clinton's know it. This country will not elect a socialist even though it trendy to say you support him when you get in the booth; no way.  

  4. but palin is VP so it doesnt matter if she is inexperienced because she has the guidance of mccain.

    obama is the unexperienced  and he is president

  5. All Obama needs to do is make this election out to be between a Democrat, and a Republican, and he will win, and with the VP picks, it is looking more and more likely that he will succeed in doing that

  6. Well yes it is more level.  McCain has gotten the short end from the media for two years.

    Immigration,  Obama wants full amnesty McCain wants to have a better path to citizenship.

    Health care,  Obama thinks it is a right of every citizen and socialize our system which then we would not have Cadillac Health Care.. McCain wants to have more affordable health care along with everyone being able to afford insurance

    Crazy c**p- Obama would not know what to do.  He would totally freaked if he had to make a decision as to or not bomb someone from doing harm to the U.S..McCain would talk with all our foes and try to negotiate but not show we are weak and will  be taken advantage of.   he would think many many times before sending our young men into harms way.  He has done that and does not wish that upon anyone.

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