
Ok so there was long legs thing some people call them daddy long legs

by  |  earlier

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and it was in my room and Im freaked out by them like really and that was 6-8 days ago and i was wondering how long do they live?




  1. Apparently they can live 3 months to 2 years.

  2. They are harmless.  They don't bite you like regular spiders.

  3. I've heard that for every one you see, there are 60 that you don't.

    The one you saw is probably dead by now, though it would have laid hundreds of eggs before it died.  In a few days, your place will be completely infested! You may want to move to another state.

    Just kidding!  Daddy Long Legs spiders are completely harmless little creatures.  They can't bite people, as their fangs are too short. When I was a kid, we used to let them walk on our hands and there was some little song about them that I've long forgotten.  

    Take a deep breath and relax!

  4. this type of spider would be the kind you would want around if any, they eat other spiders. i have seen this first hand. i would guess they live around 2-3 months

  5. i dunno how long they live,

    but dont worry about it.

    theyre mouths are too small to bite,

    if you see it again,

    pick it up in a cup or somethin

    and put it outside.

    =] good luck.

  6. 2 years and 3 months.

  7. I  don't know how long they live but I know they are harmless. They cant open their mouths wide enough to bite you. Good thing too cuz they got some wicked venom for hunting insects. Either way relax it can't hurt you.  

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