
Ok so well pony problem

by  |  earlier

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my new pony is a champion jumper and ive been jumping him and we are going camping and taking him and we will be ridig the horses there (it is only like 3 miles away from where we are now) but we have to ride on th streets and hes never done that before how do i get him used to this in 1 week??? no taking him there is not an option but anyways the other 5 horses are used to it but mine isnt (there are 4 of us going one is holding our stuf like the stuff we cant carry on our backs and dont worry the horse that is carrying our stuff is a hauling horse we cant ride him any ways but aksi what should we do on the camping trip it is me and my best friend and our bfs yes or parents know and they really trust us yea idk why??? lol so both the questions help o yea and we are only on the road for like 5 minutes




  1. if the other horses are all used to it your pony should be fine. Just stay calm and relaxed, if you know your horse(obviously you do) and you know hes not going to be ok then have a couple of your friends take their horses and you take yours by hand and walk him on a road if if hes fine, the next day ride him on the road...

    HAVE FUN!!!!!!

  2. if the other four are used to it i am sure he will be perfectly fine, i'm assuming he is fairly calm as your parents are letting you go and i would suggest having him somewhere in the middle when you are all together on the road so that he is less likely to run backwards into a car if somebody else is behind you and will follow the horses in front rather than bombing forwards.  I would suggest taht you keep talking to him and telling him what a good boy he is so that he knows you are perfectly calm so he should be too.  I'm sure you will be fine though when i first got two of mine they had never been ridden on the roads and they were completely fine and tehy only play up in fields now

    I would suggest that in this week you ride on roads as much as you can first by leading him on them and then try riding with somebody walking next to you and then try with somebody else on horse back in front and tehn try on your own and im sure he will be fine

    hope this helps (and makes sense)


  3. the fact that the other horses are used to it means that your horse will probably be fine, and this will be a training experience for your horse.  He will learn from the other horses that this is nothing to be afraid of.  I would find out in advance how the horses will be secured when you are not riding.  If they use a rope between two trees to tie the horses to side by side, you should do that at home to get him used to it.  If not that, then whatever it will be, just be sure he will be ok with it.  Be sure to bring good fly spray...I recommend Endure by Farnam.  Have fun!

  4. If your with four other horses that are used to it chances are yours will be a lot calmer. Plenty of praise, do NOT tense up or act nervous as he'll pickup on it. If he stops to look at somthing just tell him how good he is and how well hes doing and coax him on.

    Have you not any roads near you you can take him on with an experienced horse. He'll probably love the experience and you'll have nothing to worry about. But if you really dont trust him you shouldnt be doing it and there are always options in life.

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