
Ok so what about me?

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Why is it not a good idea to be friend with your current fiance or husbands EX?

Doesn't anyone think that there is something wrong with her for not wanting to be friends with me? Isn't she wrong for starting trouble with me and then not even being happy for me when I told her I was pregnant with her Ex (my fiance's) baby?

Why can't people just be one big happy family?




  1. No, she is not wrong, she is a woman.  It is difficult to picture your ex with someone other than  you, whether you still have feelings for them or not.  You're right, there should be no bitter feelings, but for trust issues, you or your fiance should not be too tight with her... Good Luck. & Congrats

  2. See I told you guys about this girl.  She don't quit it.  Do you really think that anyone in their right mind would be trying to do these things this girl is doing?

  3. it is a good idea, I actually became really good freinds with my ex wifesnew bf (soon to be fiancee). We go out a lot, he hangs with me and my friends aI hang out with him and his friends. It really helped me and my ex heal our wounds and really move on.

  4. Just how old are you? You can't be as naive as you present yourself to be. Would you be happy if your ex moved on, got another girl pregnant one that kept stalking and harassing you then to add salt to an already open wound kept throwing up in your face yes we've had s*x and proof of that comes in the form of her being pregnant?  

  5. LOL!  Are you serious with that question???

  6. Do you have anything else going on in your life besides drama.

  7. hmm...curious....did you grow up under high power lines?? one happy families nice...(isn't this how Kentucky got started??)....

  8. Holy woman! Get over it!

    The world will NEVER be one big happy family.

    And OBVIOUSLY you're making your boyfriend's life miserable because you keep fcking with his Ex.

    I'd dump your a$s if you kept pissing off my ex and making it difficult to see my kid!

    EDIT - And by the way... to answer your title question "But what about me?" ... Stop being so selfish. This has NOTHING to do with you. It's between your Fiance and his Ex. Get your happy as$ out of it!

  9. Some people can be friends and some can't...As a general can't please everyone. It is not possible. Try but not too hard...if it works out...great...if not...don't worry, be happy! Take Care

  10. Why does it matter?..  You have her ex and you're pregnant so why can't you two be a big happy family?.. You keep stressing her and you're going to get what you're looking for and you're going to regret it in the long run.

  11. Maybe she is jealous of you.  She might still have some feelings for him even if she doesn't want him back she doesn't want him to be with you.
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