
Ok so what is this like????

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ok im suppost 2 go 2 this thing called aquire the fire i dont kno what its like 'cuz i've never gone i heard it is really cool but i dont kno what its about ir what goes on it starts on a monday from 4 to like tuesday till like 12 at midnight so what happens there and what is it llike???




  1. It's a Christian event with speakers and music.  Doesn't look dodgy to me - a lot of the speakers are really good and highly respected.  And the bands sound good too!  Don't worry, they won't brainwash you, but you may find they have some interesting stuff to say!

  2. no idea either but it sounds creepy. investigate before you take a plunge

  3. I agree with Ari -- and my intuition led me to believe that it is exactly what i thought it would be

    "it helps to transform teens into becoming passionate followers of Christ".  Translation:  A rabid right wing Xian fundamentalist organization for brainwashing and mind control vis a vis impressionable young people  -- my view  :))

    So, check it out,  your freedom, individuality and well being are at stake.

    Best of luck  !!

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