
Ok so yesterday I fell down some stair and landed straight on my right knee very hard and it hurt so bad.

by  |  earlier

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I couldnt sleep at night and now it is swollen and bruised really bad. I also cant bend it without screaming, and I can barely put weight on it? I cant see a doctor until tommorow. So does anyone have any guesses as to what I may have done?




  1. Probably alot of soft tissue damage. Have you put ice on it and elevated your leg? You need pain relief too. I did a similar thing and they thought I had fractured it, but was only soft tissue damage.

      You may have also pushed the patella (kneecap) out, if that is the case you would notice it shifted obviously over to one side...and I mean obviously! If that is the case go to hospital immediately and they will sedate you and put it back in place.

      Try to stay off it till you see the doctor, who will probably order an xray and possibly strap it up.

      Good luck!

  2. i think go see Doctor

  3. go to the docters omg  

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