
Ok so you guys helped me to believe that im not just being hormonal but read this...?

by  |  earlier

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after his annoying a$$ friend busted his balls to loan him going out clothes because right now all his going out clothes are dirty, he decided he's going to go with him to the party. after he left i sent him a text message telling him how i felt & he said " i thought u understood that i wanted to have fun b4 the baby comes... we even said when the baby comes i'll baby sit him so u can go out with your friends" ... hes absolutely right, i did say that BUT now that im actually home alone and bored, i realized that me saying that didnt mean S**t, i still dont wanna be home alone bored and pregnant. so hes like he doesnt think its unfair ... he thinks IM being unfair & i cant stop thinking about him looking at other girls who arent pregnant and who can actually dance without getting tired in 20 seconds and it hurts like h**l... he says dont worry about those girls because hes not and he just wants to have fun but in reality thats not half the reason why im feeling like this . grrrr this really sucks. just wanting some comfort :(




  1. Some guys just dont realize how pregnant women feel. I did the same thing with my boyfriend, said I didnt care if he went out, but I ended up caring. Just try to be honest with him at all times about how you feel and if he is a good guy he will care. My boyfriend is out tonight, I just asked that he be home by midnight, which he has agreed to. Relationships are give and take. And yes, you being jealous of non-pregnant girls is completely normal, just remember, in a few months you will not be pregnant and you can be the hottie mom of a newborn baby. Hang in there, you arent the only one going through this. :) And congratulations on your baby!!

  2. Oh baby girl...

    I am so sorry you are feeling bummed!! :(


    I would suggest that you let him have his fun tonight...


    Tomorrow you sit him down and let him know how you are feeling.

    Tell him that you know that you said what you said and you don't think that you can handle it.

    Tell him that you don't want to be home alone in the evenings and that you would like to spend more time with him before the baby comes.

    Because once that baby is here...

    There won't be too much mommy and daddy time anymore!!

    And I know how you felt with those other girls that weren't pregnant!!

    I hated it!!

    But just think...

    You won't be pregnant forever even though right now to you it seems that way!

    Ask him if he could take you out and the two of you have a little date of your own.

    Get all prettied up and go out for dinner and a  movie.

    And when you get home...

    Cuddle up together!

    Because right now, you need to feel secure and being pregnant, your hormones are all out of whack!

    If you two can have an open communication between the two of you and talk to one another now...

    then I think that you will both be ok.

    Good luck and congrats!

  3. Well, I think you should just let him have his time out tonight, but maybe tomorrow you can tell him that you realized that it's not fair for him to be able to go out and you to have to stay home alone. Besides you need to see if he can actually stay home instead of going out all the time, for when the baby comes!

  4. if he is coming home to you at the end of that night thats all the matters right ya all men look but its there job so i would say grab a book or a movie and have a girls night at home with a bowl of treats ice cream chocolate what every you want have a hot bath relax and put your feet up my husband did the same thing they still have to have fun and if you make him stay home he will be upset with you so make the best of it ya i know it sucks to be allone  

  5. He sounds like he's committed. Why don't you guys go out to dinner tomarrow night? That way your out, and together, and no other girls to make you feel insecure.

    Good Luck! xx

  6. sorry it does suck. men do need to breath sorta speak and we have to find our breath. i go here everynight as my hubby goes to work. i email my best friend and play games online. i know look forward to him leaveing for work so i can get some quiet time lol yahoo answers can be addictive lol  

  7. umm yea him saying he wants to have nicely saying he wants to s***w around with other girls...thats really bad that your actually ok with this..i would never let my guy do wear the pants in the family..dont put up with that!  



  9. It's normal for guys to want that "guy time" and he seems committed to you. And the male brain doesn't come close to ours. In his mind, you guys agreed that this would be fair. He's right, it's not fair for you to change your mind all of a sudden. HOWEVER, you are pregnant, and he needs to realize that and be sensitive to your feelings. I think he does love you. If he wanted to go out a lot, then I would worry. But if it's just occassionally-let him have his fun. Then hold him to his promise to watch the baby so you can go out!! ;)

    It'll be ok. It's your hormones, and being pregnant is hard. But you're still the rockin woman he was attracted to in the beginning. And there's something about a woman carrying a man's child that just makes him think she's the coolest thing on the planet. Don't stress out, and have a good night :)

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