
Ok so your probably going to think im a bad person for asking this but

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we had a baby 4 months ago and i kind of feel replaced.. i know i know.. its great he loves our baby and plays with him and gives him all kinds of attention.. i love that about him.

but he doesnt do that for me anymore.. he used to say I was the best thing that ever happened .. now its the baby .. which i agree. but it just hurts a little. He isnt as affectionet twards me anymore. does anyone else feel this way?




  1. That happened to me after our first was born. Just sit down and tell him kindly that mommies need love too. Remind him that you are his wife too, not just the mother of his child and you need womanly attention. It's normal.

    Good luck hun!!!

  2. The baby is new now. So of course hes enamoured with it. Don't worry, the time will come when he will get used to the baby and realize that you fulfill his needs better than a baby. Give him the time he needs to put the baby first. If you dont, he will never get over it. Its normal and natural for you BOTH to feel this way. Don't you also feel like the baby is the best thing that ever happened to you?

  3. I think a lot of go through this. I know i've been there and still do feel this way from time to time. My husband is amazing with our daughter (5 months), every minute he has he's spending time with her. But it seems as though he uses all his love on her and that's fine but like others have said "mommy needs love too". Just talk to him about it, in fact if he's like my husband you may have to talk to him about it more than once, haha. Don't worry your not alone nor a bad mother! Congrats on the little one!

  4. it is really hard after the baby is born to give everyone the same attention. you need to set out a time where it is just you and him. find a baby sitter for a couple hours and just spend time together. your relationship is very important too. if you don't do something as soon as you start feeling that way it only gets worse. open communication is very good.

  5. i know how you feel except my husband was deployed when i had the baby and he didn't meet him until he was three months old. after a month it really upset me that he didn't ask me how i was when he got home or give me a kiss he just go to the baby say how's my little man and pick him up. we talked about it and it turned out he felt the same. retarded stuff i know but...

  6. My hubby does the same thing and you know what he tells me "You would be mad if I didn't act this way toward the babies and love them as much as I do."  And the truth is that he is right.  If he paid more attention to me than to our kids I would be livid and telling him he wasn't a good dad.  So be thankful that he is such a great father (and tell him so) and then decide on a date night for the two of you where you can have his undivided attention for a couple hours.

  7. You need to get over it.  The baby is supose to come first now.   So you get less attention, it's not a big deal.  If you feel needed than snuggle w/ the baby, & get your attention from him/her.

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