
Ok sorry about all my queries i just wanted to know not get abused ya all.?

by  |  earlier

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sorry for even asking people it was my partners relos that rented and trashed our place that was an expensive mistake i just wanted to know why they get off scot free even when we have sued them and that we have to chase them for 7 years to get our money? its a disturbing place to be in.and no we are not rich.we are providing for our kids and guess what i used to rent also but i paid everything even the cleaning and mowing bill after i left the property when i had paid people to come do it before. so it just seems that some bad renters get off scot free.oh and if you want to give me a mouthful dont as you are giving me negative vibes.oh and sorry to the g**s out there i pressed the wrong button for my question to be aired whoops!




  1. First of all, learn how to ******* speak English properly. I've seen 10 year olds type more legible questions.

    Secondly, you probably just spent the whole time yelling "gimmie mah money *****!", or acting all crazy in front of the judge when you sued them. I've seen Judge Judy, I know how "you people" act.

  2. l understand what you are does not seem right that people can get away with this.You in reality are the victim,and you lose out  in all directions.Out of pocket expenses and then you also get wrongly mouthed at.

    l have been in a similar situation,when l have let friends rent a property......well l thought they were's a hard way to learn a valuable lesson.......

  3. Lots of people come onto this site and ask questions designed to make others look or feel bad, and it's possible your question was mistaken for one of that kind.

    As for your problem, I rented for many years and always paid my rent on time and looked after the place to a fantastic degree, and was treated badly by my landlord. Many people do have this experience.

    That does NOT give anyone the right to steal from you - my partner rented out the family home after moving to the city to work, and had a series of terrible tenants who lied, stole and wrecked the place, until it was finally sold to end the problems.

    Your relatives sound like scum and users, and the trouble about taking that kind to court and trying to deal with them legally and fairly is that they don't play by those rules.

    If they were the kind who could be embarrassed or shamed, they wouldn't be in the situation to start with, would they? They would do the right thing and there would be no problem.

    From first hand experience, I can say that keeping on chasing them just keeps you miserable and poor.

    Write the debt off and move on with creating a good life for yourself. And don't fall for their hard luck stories again. Move onwards and upwards, and leave these folks on the bottom of the gene pool, where they belong.

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