
Ok stuck in a situation need help advice ...threesome involved?

by  |  earlier

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Hey OK this is it..... my gf has a friend and her friend is now bi..she wants my gf(s*x wise) like a lot of dirty things ya know and then she mentioned me (gf's bf) And now that girl wants to have a threesome.... lots of things will be gf is A complete hottie and the other one..well she can be waaaayyy worse.. lol anyways my gf now doesn't like the girl we haven't done it yet... i want to, she doesn't want to with her... the only reason she would want to do it is 4 me..but she doesn't want to she wants to make me happy i feel as if she does something she doesn't want to it makes me a Humongous Jerk.... Should we go through with it?




  1. NO. I wouldn't want to be your girlfriend who has to go through with her boyfriend making out with her friend.

    Trust me, in the future, it will come and smack u in the face.

    Ask her gently, and if she says no, then NO !!!

  2. Ohhh believe me, three in the bed can be so very much fun provided all are adults and givers as well as receivers.

    In your situation though, don't go there! Both you as well as your girlfriend must be into it and agree on the added person.


  3. nope three in bed means some body ain't getting their fair share

  4. Ok so It sucks to be you right now and your probaly not going to like what I have to say which is NO! If your gf is only going to go through with it to make you happy then please please dont you'll both regret it!

  5. Something like that must happen ONLY when all parties, trust, and care about each other, and everyone is in agreement. If one is hesitant or unsure, the party is off. You don't want to generate ill feelings over this.  

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