
Ok the asteroid 243 Ida has it's own Moon called Dactyl so could other Moons or Dwarf planets have Moons?

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  1. Yes, scientists estimate that many of the larger asteroids and other small objects in our solar system have their own "satellites".

    Among asteroids, the estimate is that 2% would have satellites. Among trans-Neptunian objects (TNO), the estimate is that 11% are believed to be binary or multiple objects, but three of the four known large TNO have at least one satellite.

    More than 20 binaries are known in each of the main groupings: Near Earth asteroids, Main belt asteroids, and Trans-Neptunians, not including numerous claims not yet confirmed.

  2. 121 Hermione has a companion (not called Crookshanks).

    107 Camilla also has a companion.

    There are others.  By 2002, there were 31.

  3. Now that Pluto is a dwarf planet it qualifies here. It has three.

  4. Yes, of course. It appears to be quite common.

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