
Ok there's this girl at my school?

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there's this girl at my school (laura L) i can never THink of what to say to her she thinks I'm a Perv but I love her so much I don't know what to do if I call her or give her a note she will think I'm even wierder what should I do




  1. just talk to her normally.....dont do anything suggestive.....ask her whats her favorite show...stuff like that

  2. I can see where she may get the perv thing from. First off, I'd clean up a bit with the screen name. Having something like that kinda gives girls "that" feeling. Also how do you act? Do you act like a perv at school? Maybe don't act like you do around other pretty girls  when your around her. Let her see a differen side of you and be alone with her at school or go off to the side and just talk to her. NO pick-up lines or little saying or nothing. lol Just a HI, how are you, wanna hang out sometime? kinda thing. Maybe after talking to her a few times ask for her number but don't do it the first time you talk if she thinks your a perv because she may think you only want it to get it, or that your going to bug her.

    Hope this helps some. Good luck

  3. Why don't you get to know someone that likes you for who you are?  Not someone that thinks poorly of you.

  4. Join a club of a subject that she is interested in. She will notice you, and start being more interested in you. Then, you talk to her. DO NOT go right up to her and say I love you!!! Make friends with her first, then make your move.

  5. u mustve done something to make her think ur a perv so just ask her y and if its a misunderstanding then just explain and hope she will change her mind,

    btw wat skl do u go to cuz i kno a laura l and could possibly hook u up well cuz i kno her shes my best friend

  6. If she thinks your a perv, don't give her a note because she'll get freaked out.  It's not your fault, unless you're acting really perverted.  I think it'd be her fault for just thinking you're perverted.  

    Maybe you could try and really impress her with something.  I wouldn't directly be nice to her because again, if she thinks your perverted she'll just think you're weird and will probably ignore her.  

    But yeah, clean up your screanname.  At least take out the 69 =P lol (it's normal... everyone laughed at it at our school too)

    But I would slowly try talking to her, and like I said, impress her, and maybe she'll be more interested.  Like try to run a really fast mile in gym or something... or get A's on tests.  It'll do you good in a bunch of ways too.  Unless you're already good in that stuff, that's awesome.  

    I haven't been in your place really so it's hard to give advice.  But good luck =]

  7. There both right this is how i got 10 girls to like me and im 10 talk to them dont be s**+ dont say u love her right of the bat

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