
Ok there's this kid that always calls me a poser witch im not?

by  |  earlier

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i need to no some good comebacks if u no any plz tell me thx




  1. hah theres classic shut up or you would know doing th ebest at it i've ever seen  

  2. Ask him/her if they have a life, cause you feel like they don't.  If they did have a life they wouldn't have time to make remarks about you. Besides that who are they to judge you anyhow.  Ask them what makes them think they are a judge, do they have a degree in this poser field?

  3. "If I was a poser I'd be you."

  4. takes one to spot one

  5. If the kid that calls you a poseur witch dresses in a gangster-ish sort of way, call him back a wangster.  

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