
Ok think I need to get this out of the way ?

by  |  earlier

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Congrats to the bluenoses.Just woke from the nightmare and realised it was for real,we were shockin.I am heading away to the in laws for a few days and they have no computer so I be back on thrs.

Dont worry I gettin pelters from the wife.




  1. u r getting pelters.this head injury has not made me any prettier ffs.quasimodo,in fact even wee erra looks better than me the noo.i wish i had worn a hard hat.

    and re your question,i wish i had got out the way

  2. well thank you very much,we did outplay you lot and it was a fantastic game.Have a great time and the slagging off will continue when you get back lol

  3. full respect mate, thats what its all about.

    i would normally end this line with watp but no, cheers.

    you are a gem amongst dirt.  thanks man.

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