
Ok this apple imac it pissing me ?

by  |  earlier

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i waned to download aim and some software to watch a movie but after i get it on the desk top i try and open it but it tells me i dont have an application to open it with or something to that effect help? what do i need? btw is there a manual for these somewhere? lol




  1. You might have downloaded the windows version of the software, or have yet to install it.

    If you give me more information (which OS, what software are you trying to download, what file type are you trying to open) I can help you out.

  2. you have a mac thats your problem to fix it, throw it out your window

  3. May have downloaded the files in rar archive or zip format, which you would need to unpack first and then isntall. Which should then give you file with extension of .dmg which any mac can open.

    Also download the VLC player, best there is for playing movies

  4. apple imacs are really annoying, but by wat uve said, i think that watever that ur downloading is not actually a program, but a file, that you need an application to open with.

  5. It looks like you probably downloaded the windows version of the AIM software. The windows version is currently version 6.8.... the mac version is version 4.7 and hasn't been updated in years (since 2004).

    The windows version cannot be installed on your Mac.  

  6. relax

    computer only do what you ask it to do

  7. When you're dealing with downloading software, you need to pay particular attention of who the software is designed for. For instance, anyone who owns a Mac with a PowerPC Processor (G3's, G4's, G5's) can download and use programs that have been certified for PowerPC's or Universal Applications.There are Intel Macs that have software designed just for them and they can also use Universal software as well.

    To help you out, here is AOL's download page for AIM 4.7 for Mac. As well as Apple's support page to get your manual. You have to keep in mind as to when you ordered your Mac to get the proper manual.

    If you have recently purchased a Mac (a year at best), then you have what is commonly known as an Intel Mac. Double check your purchase order just to be sure.

    If you need further help, you can e-mail me at"

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