
Ok this is a gun question. airsoft paintball blowgun REAL firearm.?

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Ok let me start off with I am a student of Law Enforcement in Grand Rapids michigan.

some colleagues and myself are off for summer and have decided to play a game called TAG "the assassination game"

I would like to know michigan law concerning CLEAR obvious toy looking airsoft guns with orange tips on ones person or in ones vehicle... IF this gives the police probable cause to search me or my vehicle... shouldnt my childrens toy guns be considered the same way?

Our airsoft guns are totally clear you can see the springs and inner parts obviously and no real firearms are clear like that.

plz dont lecture me how this is dangerous and i shouldnt do it.

also does having a cpl allow me to not run into any issues with it on my person... the "toy" guns are concealed but i am thinking of purchasing a nice ankle holster that i can switch out my real taurus with my airsoft one.




  1. I don't live in your state but check your local laws, I have personally arrested someone for assault with a deadly weapon because the victim was so scared she urinated on herself and medical had to respond, she wouldn't stop shaking. The gentleman was playing your game and chasing another player when they crossed paths with a non-player who dialed 911. As long as the victim believes it is a real firearm you are in the pokey. Consider this, at what range are airsoft guns clearly identifiable as toys (and no the orange paint does not qualify)? The answer is only when you are actually touching it do you feel the obvious weight difference. I am surprised more kids are not killed every year in this game. Bring this subject up with your professor since you say you are studying LE, you have a local law expert in your own class.

  2. I will tell you that Air-soft and Paintball Guns are banned from College Campuses almost nationwide. On my campus, I would confiscate the guns, fine you heavily, and depending on the circumstances, you may be considered for Dismissal from the College or Charged in Criminal Court. Best leave your "Toys" at home when you go back to college this Fall.

  3. This is not a firearm. It's an air gun and a lot of jurisdictions have city ordinances about the use of air guns or bb guns within the city limits. It is not a firearm so it doesn't matter if it's concealed. You are crazy if you are considering carrying an air soft gun in an ankle holster. That is how you get yourself killed or slammed to the ground by a police officer. An air soft gun is not probable cause to search the vehicle...alone. But if an officer has reason to believe that the gun is being used for criminal purposes, he can search your car. Toy guns are used in robberies and other crimes.

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