
Ok this is an interesting question if everyone tommorow had £1000 to spend, what could we do to prevent GW?

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if your from US use $1700ish (not sure if thats correct or not)

put in best ways to spend this money to reduce carbon emmitions assotiated to you this can only include buying greener products and may not be used in conjuncion with any more than 5 people (so a town cant put all money together)

part 2: average income in UK is about 24k so thats 1/24 of your yearly income

what could somewhere like china do with 1/24 of there income each? and what effects would this have on there economy in general

only serious answers please




  1. I'd chop down the trees and plant a garden to counter the food price spike by ethanol production.

  2. I believe I could do more than one of these options, and if I was thrifty maybe then all, especially if I was in China.

    1. Buy and plant trees on my property or others that may want them.

    2. By a solar water heater

    3. Put extra insulation in my or another's home.

    4. Buy LED's or CFL's

    5. Buy tote bags and use them instead of using the temporary paper or plastic kind.

    6.  Buy solar recharged flash lights. Will never have to buy batteries or consume any more energy than the embodied energy made to produce such a product.

    7. Buy materials to build a composter. Use this instead of petroleum fertilizers.

    8. Buy a rain barrel and use this to water my outside plants.

    9. Maybe get a used bike and use it more instead of driving.

    10. Buy a air compressor to periodically fill up ones tires to get maximum milage.

    There are many other possibilities but this probably would be the limit of 1700 dollar. A lot of it depends on where you live and whether or not you buy used which is probably even more environmental.

  3. I would put the money in the bank.

    I can't afford to stop the sun.

  4. i'm probably going to get in trouble for saying this but it's the best answer in my mind.

    Blow up as many power plants as possible.  They are the worst enemy to our air and water supply.  A lot of people blame the sun, but the sun is not the problem.  Its the ozone layer that is getting weaker because of pollution.

  5. I could develope a supercompost that not only does away with any household/lawn waste faster than any other compost, it would also produce heat for spaceheating and hot water (saving CO2). It would yield highgrade fertilizer that could be used instead of CO2 intensive artificial fertilizer and it would even produce pure CO2 as exhaust that could actually be gathered and sequestered (only in proximity to a suitable sequestering point though).


    lol... Those idiots who claim Al gore and the sun are responsible for everything have absolutely no clue. Gore has just shown how going green is good business. He hardly owns Europe who are also going green... lol...

    And for the solarcycle, we are coming out of a period of low solar activity. At those periods the sun is actually slightly hotter but makes earth cooler as more cosmic rays hit earths atmosphere and produce more cooling clouds. So we´ve been in a solar cooling cycle. And yet the past years have been some of the warmest recorded. Now the sun is getting more active putting more energy into the solar wind and hinders cosmic rays from reaching earth. So it will get even hotter.

    And this summer could be the first ever recorded where the entire northpolar cap might be completely free of ice. I wish those idiots who claim the icesheets are growing and not shirnking will just shut up then...

  6. Since the warming is caused by the Sun, I guess I'd buy an umbrella.

  7. Pretty much nothing you did with that money would make a significant impact unless you found a way to exterminate humanity.

  8. I'd have to buy carbon credits so Al Gore could put that money towards a new Ferrari.

  9. Forget Global Warming.  We are about to enter an Ice Age.  We need to burn MORE carbon fuels to help blanket the earth so crops won't fail worldwide causing massive famine and food wars!

    Sun Spot activity has recently dropped to almost zero.  Our sun is going through a dormant phase that will lead to cooler, NOT warmer, temperatures in the next 25 years.  If global warming can be caused by burning fossil fuels, then we need to get to burning them now.

    I've done research into those so-called carbon credit organizations (have you?) and found them to be owned, run and staffed exclusively by social and political activists.  Not one (including Al Gore's own ) carbon trading company has has any staff of real environmental scientists.  They are all run by investment bankers and politically connected hacks.

    "If you put tomfoolery into a computer, nothing comes out of it but tomfoolery. But this tomfoolery, having passed through a very expensive machine, is somehow ennobled and no-one dares criticize it."

    - Pierre Gallois

    See links below...

  10. My wife and I are using our $1200 to pay for our tickets to Maui. Going in October, tickets bought and paid for. See you on the beach.

  11. lay on the beach

    drink perfect cocktails

    let someone else

    sort all the s**+*t out.

  12. I like the idea of going to Hawaii to check out the CO2 monitors on the top of the volcano. I probably would check out the beaches also :)

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