
Ok this is for all you men ?

by Guest61978  |  earlier

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ok i have heard a lot of men asking what us girls look for in a man but the real ? is what do you men look for in a girl ?




  1. there alot that attracts me to a woman. First, there's the initial attraction.  Usually this would be very pretty, nice smile, looks like she cares what shes wearing and how she looks...definitely nice legs and *** dont hurt.

    Then, theres the things that keep me attracted and interested.  For instance, caring, loving, has her head on straight, fun to be around, sense of humor.

    It's definitely alot of different things and things are different for every man, but that just how I am.

  2. Looks obviously are a plus...but not everything.

    I like a girl who I can carry on a conversation with.  If you're an idiot, I won't like you.  

    I personally have a think for artistic girls...prefferably who play an instrument, but not required.  

    Also, someone who understands me and will let me be myself.  I am sort of crazy sometimes (in a funny...out of this world kind of way) and I appreciate girls who arrent embarrassed by my anticks.  

  3. honestly it takes me a while before i know if i like a girl or not

    i just talk to them and if they are smart, nice, and have a good sense of humor i start liking them...

    and of course they have to look decent

  4. hot and willing to have s*x PRONTO!!!

  5. Nice smile, good looking, nice ***, able to hold a conversation, trustworthy, faithful, kind, understanding.

  6. legal



    that order!!! :D

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