
Ok this is long i need help is this real or not?

by  |  earlier

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ok so when i was 3 i saw a tails of the crypt the show about the monster guy you can find it on youtube ok so after seeing it i was scared and would cry and stuff and then i would have nightmares of him killing me and **** and i could not get sleep over this this would be ever night for real ever night and then when i was 6 or 7 i was up cuz i could not go to sleep i was so afraid then i heard him lol so i was going crazy and ran to my mom and she made me pray and i went to sleep and he came back ever night for till i was 12 then i was sleep and he was killing me in my dream then i woke up and looked over and he was right there and then i woke up for real i ran to my mom and she just got so mad that she would tell me to sleep with her in her bed then i said I'm not taking this **** no more then i still kept getting the bad dreams then i just became 15 and i was like **** this and in the dream i new i was going to have that night i said I'm kill you demand or something like that and he gave me a paper and told me to put my name on it and he said he would go away so now I'm think just gave my soul away and that I'm going to h**l help was it a demand or what and ever time he would kill me in my dreams it would hurt and now I'm 16 and have not seen him in a year so was it real




  1. no it is power of suggestion.

    If you have bad dreams again, before going to bed tell yourself that you no longer need to have this dream and you are strong enough to defeat it even if you are sleeping.

  2. Wow, that was hard to read.  Please, learn how to use punctuation.  Most people won't even bother.

    You watched a scary show and you were traumatized.  You can thank whoever let you watch it for that.  But you just have had bad dreams.  There's nothing paranormal there.  And there's no such thing as a soul, so no worries about thinking you gave it away.  It's all religious superstitions mixed in with bad television.

  3. bleep..bleep.. bleep

    you don't really expect me to read this c**p do you?

  4. You watch too many scary movies and now you seem obsessed with the thought of it.

    I suggest you stop watching those movies before you go to bed.

  5. How could you go to h**l if you had no soul, there would be no part of you to go there?

    Anyway, I think the piece of paper symbolised the end of the scary dreams, sort of like signing off a contract to say that the work has finished.

    If all this stuff continues to bother you maybe you could convince your mother to let you have some sort of professional counseling?  

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