
Ok this is probably a dumb question?

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what kind of internet connection do i need so i can use the internet on my laptop where ever i go and how do i get it




  1. Wherever you go, is the keyword here. If you mean wherever you go in your home or even far outside your home?

    If it is within your home, DSL/Cable with Wi-Fi modem should be good enough.

    If you want to have internet connection even if you travel out of your home, your best bet is AT&T or Verizon Broadband. They have a Wireless card that goes into your laptop and yo pay between $40 to $60 a month for unlimited internet access.

  2. You will need something named Wireless Broadband / Mobile Broadband.

    All the major cell phone carriers have a wireless service for your laptop.  Just find your favorite carrier and ask them about the mobile broadband.

    Typically it's like $49.99 a month and most give you the card to install.


  3. thats not a dumb question if you don;t know you don't know right?

    if you want internet anywhere and not just around the house then you mobile broadband go to websites like, or and look for their mobile broadband packages

    mobile broadband uses the mobile phone network rather than a landline it works by a USB dongle (adaptor) which you plug into the laptop this then picks up a mobile signal like a mobile phone does and then you access your internet by logging into the service (or automatically if you set it that way) this then allows you access to the internet anywhere so long as a mobile signal is available and that signal has been upgraded to carry the internet signal accross it (which is most of the UK now-i presume you're in the UK)

    if you want internet anywhere in your home you need wireless internet which needs a router and either a wi-fi enabled laptop or a USB or cardbus wi-fi adaptor most laptops now are wi-fi enabled

    if you want more help on this email me

  4. The only dumb question is the one you don't ask :)

    Depends how far you want to be.  If you mean anywhere in your house, you need broadband (cable/DSL) if you don't already have it on another computer and a wireless router.

    If you mean anywhere (traveling, home, work, hotels, car, anywhere) you need a cellular modem with cellular broadband service.  Talk to your cellphone company if you have one, most (if not all) carriers have adapters to connect computers to the internet anywhere a cellphone works.

  5. broadband, IDK

  6. You would need one through a cell phone provider most likely.  They would issue you the plan, which you can use along with a voice plan and a data phone, or you can just get a data card from them.  Hope that helps.  PS its a ripoff, unless you will use it daily while traveling.

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