
Ok... this is so strange....

by  |  earlier

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My fish tank is a 4 foot tank. There are 5 small-medium sized plants, and one log, and one ornamental ute for them to swim around..

I have:

about a dozen guppies (most pregnant)

about a dozen platys (most pregnant)

2 mollys (about 4cm long)

6 neon tetras

4 danios (about 3cm long)

2 coolie loaches (about 5cm long)

1 pakistani loach (about 5cm long)

1 albino catfish (about 3cm long)

1 gravel catfish (about 3cm long)

1 golden sucking bristlenose catfish (about 4cm long)

4 cherry barbs (about 2-3cm long)

and i think thats it....

Just this morning, I popped a clown loach in.. about 4cm. I watched him for about 5 minutes... and then left them in peace.. I went back about 2 hours ago, and he is gone. And I mean, gone. I checked every little hole, every crevice. I spent about 45 minutes looking and he is just GONE. I fed them, in the hope that he would come out, but nope. No clown loach.. what could have happened? Apart from the barbs, nothing is agressive right? And the barbs are too small to do much damage..




  1. Spoon around in the gravel a bit.


  2. I bet you he's still there. They are masters of hide and seek.

    But one clown loach will be very unsettled and nervous, and spend most of it's time hiding. You could get a few more, but remember they grow HUGE, it takes years, but they can reach 30cm long.


  3. try taking everything but the fish and rocks outta ur rank and if he dont turn up then do death duty and search around the floor and stuff

  4. ok a few things

    1. More catfish (I am assuming you have cory cats, right? If not don't listen to what I'm about to say, lol!) They are schooling fish.

    2.More kuhli loaches, they do best in groups of 6+

    He is probably stillin there. They love to bury in the gravel also. They can hide so well, so don't be surprised if you don't see him for a few days, he will show back up!=)

  5. Have you checked the floor? It's highly unlikely that it would have been eaten but loaches are known for being very good hiders. He'll be in there somewhere so don't worry. I hope you floated the bag not just "popped" him in. Good luck

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