
Ok this is so stupid,.?

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Ugh next year i have to go swimming in gym class its so stupid my question is has anyone esle had to swim in gym class and what do you do is it like intense swimming or is it like just lesurly swim lol. idk just tell me everything u had to do. curious.




  1. Please don't assume something is "stupid" if you don't know what it's about. If you keep an open mind, you might enjoy it.

    I don't remember what the people who didn't know how to swim did during swim class. Those of us that already knew how to swim learned snorkeling. Even though I was on the varsity swim team at the time, the final test was still a challenge for me. You had to throw all your equipment into the deep end, dive in, put on the fins, clear the mask, and come up to the surface and clear the snorkel -- all in one breath. Besides learning these skills, we had open swim times where we could go off the diving board. As far as gym class goes, I learned quite a bit. Your class might be a good one, as well.

  2. I guess that will depend on your teacher.  I took a swimming class in college and it was a lot of fun, but never leisurely swimming.  We learned to dive and different strokes, but we were always moving in the water.  It was a lot of fun though.  We had to swim 10 laps every day for warm up, then worked on new techniques and practiced them.  We were graded on participation though.  If we at least attempted, we got an A.

  3. Swimming in gym class will be a piece of cake!! If you are on a team, like I am, they will put you in a differnt lane and make you swimm harder things. Most people in High School can't even swim a lap. You have nothing to worry about. They just want to make sure everyone can swim well. Good luck!!


  4. When i took swimming in gym (and it was always in the winter, why?), we were to learn the basic strokes and  doing them well

    we had competitions, not to see who was the fastest but to see if we had understood what to do

  5. I'm sure it'll be fun. Except when you're on your time of the month.

    And I'm sure it wouldn't be intense swimming, it's only P.E

    We don't have a pool, it'd be nice though.

    Plus there's no time to get out, wash off, get back in.

    And I'm sure it's just practicing water arobics, swimming laps, maybe races. I'm sure one day it'll be swim free day or something.

    I hope it goes good though!

  6. yes, i had to take swimming in my PE class. its not that big of a deal, u swim laps, jump of diving boreds if you wanted to ect. and some days we didnt get our hair wet and some days we had too. honestly its not a big deal. only lasted for a week for me.

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