
Ok this is weird..and im a little mad?

by  |  earlier

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on my friends myspace top shes got my niece on there but not me?

she likes me more then her...cause she told me, and my niece




  1. It's not the end of the world.

    If you are going to be nasty, remove her from your MS tops then, or block her all together.

    Better thing to do is next time you talk, ask her.


    Your niece? Oh dear. How old are you? You're jealous of a little girl?

  2. She probably has a picture of your niece cuz'she's a girl.Females like pics.of cute little girls,ya know?And you really sound like you need to grow up.She likes me more she said so.Come on now.this sounds like my 8 yr. old grandson.

  3. MySpace top is hardly something to worry about.  if you know she likes you better than just think of that.  people forget to update all the time.  It's a small thing.  my motto is don't sweat the small stuff.  Because life's too short!

  4. dont worry about it ,she'll change her top frineds all the time dont worry !!!!

  5. umm..

    this is silly.

    she told ur niece she preferred u over her??

    that's mean!

    it's myspace!

    some people don't keep up there top and there newer friend are first then the older ones.

    u r seriously overeacting.

    if something is going to her.


    <3 feriell

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