
Ok tonight we went to a wedding and at the reception there wasnt enough places to sit and eat.

by Guest64313  |  earlier

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This was a big meal with BBQ and all the fixings.Am I wrong in thinking it was extreamly rude to not have enough sitting for everyone.By the way all of the weddding party and their family had reserved sitting .They put tables out side on the deck for everyone else.We live in texas and it was 100 degress today at the time .




  1. Really rude!! How can you invite someone to a wedding reception and let them fend for themselves? Also, even more rude to have reserved seating for certain people - it makes it seem like there is a hierachy and a preference for people. Not nice at ALL!! I am so sorry you had to put up with this. Maybe you should re think future events with them!!

  2. It sounds like people showed up who didn't say they were coming.....or people didn't  RSVP.

    The best planned events sometimes get screwed up.

    I would just let it go

  3. That sounds like poor planning and I'd call it on the rude/tacky side. A wedding reception is a party and a good host/hostess will do whatever it takes to make their guests comfortable.

  4. I live here in Texas as well and I know how hot it was today.  I am a photographer and would be very interested in where this reception was held at.

    I am not sure if the Bride and Groom knew exactly what was going on and the fact there was not enough chairs.  I don't know if they had a coordinator or not.  I have been at many of wedding and have seen this happen a few times.  Many times the Bride/Groom and their parents are oblivious to the situation.

    However, the venue should have seen the issue and handled accordingly.  Even if it was to notify them and find out how they wanted to handle.  I am very appalled at the fact the venue and their planners did nothing to fix the problem.

    If the Bride/Groom and/or their parent's knew of the problem, then I would definetly say it was very rude.  It is very typical for the wedding party and family to have reserved seating.  However, they should have made it clear on the invitation the reception or atleast dining was going to be outside.  If they did not, it was very inconsiderate in Texas to have any part of a wedding or reception outside during this time of year and not make the guests aware it will be outside.

    If you don't mind, I would love to know the place the reception was at and the city.  I want to be sure if near me, I can forward brides when they call me of the situation you experienced.  I am in the Dallas area.

  5. Sounds like poor planning to me, or more people than expected showed up, like people didn't RSVP or brought along uninvited guests. This is a big problem at weddings anymore, people assume they can bring a date or their six best friends and the bride and groom assume all these peopel are coming  alone and BOOM you don't have enough seats.  

  6. It's quite possible that a number of people didn't RSVP (thus notifying the party how many people were coming), or people brought unexpected guests.  

  7. Well you need to think about maybe in their mind there was enough seating...maybe not everyone RSVPed so they had no way of knowing that there were going to be that many people showing up. If they did know then, yes it would be tacky.

    And I think it is totally acceptable for the wedding party and their families to have reserved seating...

    In my opinion it truly does sound like poor planning or lack of caring about their guests but you don't know the circumstances and it is unfair to judge the situation without knowing their reasoning.  

  8. This is why it is important to RSVP when asked  to attend a wedding. Don't blame the couple I'm sure people they were not expecting showed up, sometimes guest invite others along, or say they won't be attending then show up. The planner should have asked the banquet hall manager to add more chairs once she/he saw there were more people arriving than scheduled. Again, don't blame the couple you can't expect them to stop their wedding celebration to attend to you, that's what a wedding planner is for - you should have complained to her/him. Just get over it.

  9. While I agree that maybe some people didn't RSVP and there were more guests than expected, it doesn't excuse the situation.  The bride and groom should have tried to do something, or at least apologized to their guests.  

    I went to a wedding once where there wasn't enough seating as well, but in that case, the close family gave up their [reserved] seats to let others the hosts, it seemed like the right thing for them to do.

    Also, it seems rude of them to sit inside and leave everyone else to fend for themselves outside. I guess some people are just self-involved.

  10. I am so glad I read your question. I just posted about possibly having to have some guests stand at my ceremony. I moved it to an indoor area to avoid the scroching Florida sun in June.

    Hearing your discontent makes me know I need to look for a larger location.That is, of course, indoors.

    I have enough reception seating, but I do not want anyone getting ticked off about the ceremony.

    Sorry for your experience. I sounds bad :( and I would not want my guests going through that.  

  11. thats crazy!!

    sounds like they didnt plan accordingly.  

  12. It was tacky...but maybe more guests showed up than expected?

  13. Either they planned poorly or they were trying to save money by renting fewer tables and chairs than they really needed.  You can bet that this reception will be the subject of gossip for a long time to come.

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