
Ok ummmm plz plz plz help?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i had asked a question last week or yea and it was this guy stares at me and smiles and yea yea yea. but anyway like we one electtive together and he still looks over at me and stuff but i wanna talk to him but like he likes to sit with the boys and at recess play with the boys like im so NERVOUS but i wanna talk to him!!!1 how can i talk to him without getting nervous?




  1. just do it.  Walk by and say hi.  Every time you see him say hi.  You'll be nervous at first but soon you will start to feel more comfortable.  Then someday when you're feeling better and you get the chance you can make up a reason to talk to him.  Like on a Friday just tell him to have a nice weekend or on Monday ask how is weekend was or what did he do.  Start with small stuff.  You will be nervous but you have to face it and soon you won't feel so bad.  

  2. Recess LOL?

    How old r u???????????????????

    Umm if u like him ask him out kidd.

    Dont be shy about it no guy wants to date a shy girl

  3. just  keep repeating to yourself "im self confident" over & over until you actually believe it!

  4. Maybe roll a ball [casually] over there and run to go get it. :]

    Just don't worry about getting embarrased or anything. He's a person to. haha. or during the elective you have together drop your pencil right before he walks by. I did that today & he picked it up for me and was like "nope, you dont get this back" in a flirtatious way. lol. good luckk :]

  5. Recess? Yeah. Umm maybe wait until youre in at least LIKE (like like like like like like like like like like-- gets annoying doesnt it?)-----1st grade? lmao! =]

    Glad to help. hah!

  6. just walk by him in the hallways and as soon as u pass him pretend to accidentally drop your books or fall. perfect conversation starter.

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