
Ok well i wannt to be homeschooled do i tak my mom into it?=]]?

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ok im not learning at my school at all...any ideas about talking her into it?????????! im gonna say there are distractions, s***s, sh*tty teachers and i can do much better by myself like on an online school any ideas on how much it would cost??

im not being challenged and i want to graduate by 16 how do u do that by homeschooling? =/






  1. There are many many homeschooling programs that enable  children to conduct independent studies as young as 2nd grade. If you are in middle school or high school it should not be too much burdon for your mom to homeschool you. Yes, you're right. There are many curriculum that uses DVDs or online teachings that you can actually watch a teacher and class in session on a screen.

    I tend to discourage people to graduate much earlier than their peer to enter college. Why? Because you just need to take time to develop socially and mentally. Academic is not the only important thing in life, even in a student's life.

    I am not saying you would suffer from lack of socially interaction if homeschooled.  In fact, many homeschooled children have much better manner and adequate social skills than kids who go to public schools.  I just hope you can take time to grow up and enjoy every step.

    Being homeschooled will not necessarily cause you more difficulty to apply for higher education. Just remember that extra-curriculum activities really make you a better applicant. There are many activities you can choose from, such as girl scouts, sports, and other talents(music instruments, performing in the junior theater in the community center-if there is such program, work in the church as a volunteer,etc)

    You sound ready for  homeschooling. Just find out your mother's concerns and what concerns her the most.

    Good luck!

  2. I don't know your situation, do you have two parents, is your mother organized enough to help, does she have a job...

    If all else fails, there is no reason you can't put in the extra study on your own. What about the guidance counselor? Maybe a direct chat letting him/her know your desires and problems. Be tactful and polite, don't use those names when talking about teachers and peers. Costs shouldn't be too bad, there are lots or resources on-line.

    good luck

  3. it's going to be a hard sell.  you'll need to convince your mom that you will be a responsible student and that there are resources for you.  Indeed, there are many online classes for homeschoolers that are run by actual certified teachers.  check with other homeschool families to find ones that have a good reputation.  many will be flimsy.  applying to college will be tricky since you'll need to prove that you will have the equivalent of a high school diploma.  check with your local or state department of education for referrals to resources.

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