
Ok well its summer and im running out of ideas on how to keep me busy. HELP!!?

by  |  earlier

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i dont want to:


watch tv

surf the internet


and i cant go outside cuz its wet and will be raining for days




  1. I know what you mean the same thing is going on with's sooo boring....anyway...a little while back I bought a candle making kit and just yesterday I got bored so I drug it out and started making some.

    You can get the kit at like a Hobby Lobby or some sort of craft store. Make sure you buy some extra scents though because I doubt you just want vanilla. Oh and you might also want some extra molds and wicks...and things like that if you really enjoy it.

  2. read a good book, if you enjoy pictures..take all your old pics and make them into a fun creative scrap book...draw...exercise...spend time with friends...idk rainy days suck! lol

  3. I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes when i have nothing to do on rainy days, i go shopping for something i like, or invite some friends to my house. Also, if you dont want to do any of these, and you are a sports fan, you could find out when there is something going on at the nearest sports field or arena and go and watch it. Hope this helps you

  4. How about making a scrapbook or memory book?  You could gather up some of your pictures or your family pictures and put them in a book.  You can decorate the pages and add journaling, historical marks (like the price of a gallon of gas, who won the KY Derby, etc.) and stuff like that.

    If you have a video camera, why not set it up in the window and see if you can catch anything funny or unusual.

    If you like birds, you could make a "feeder" with scraps of yarn and string and even hair from your hairbrush so they can have things to build their nests with.  I know the hair thing is gross, but birds like to use human hair for their nests.  I found a nest made out of my horse's tail hairs that I had brushed out.  It was cool!  You can use a 2-liter bottle to put the stuff in and cut holes along the sides so the birds can retrieve the contents.  Hand it up in a tree near your window or something.

    Maybe you could get one of those 5000 piece puzzles and work on it when you're bored.  Just leave it out on a card table or something.  You might be surprised how many people in your family might stop and put a few pieces in!

    I hope this helps!

  5. -did u ever think about writing a book? u could write the next big hit, just like say, the harry potter books were and u could become world famous! why not try thinking up some story ideas and get writing, it could be a hit, it could get made in2 the next block buster movie! try thinking of the type of story YOU would really like 2 read, and write it!

    -ever tried dance classes? theres such a variety out there, from ballet, to street, to jazzy theatre, to salsa, to naturalistic contemporary....the list goes on and on. look up some dance classes in ur area on line or in the phonebook.

    -u could clear out ur wardrobe and put together some nice outfits

    -u cud water all the plants in ur home and clean all their dusty leaves...

    -record a radio or tv show on a tape or video recorder if u have one.

    -u could give yourself a pampering day. look up online how to make some home made facial masks, make one urself, put it on..cucumber on the eyes, relax..have a bath (especially nice as u say its rainy at the moment) wash  ur hair and use some really nice conditioner, clean and cut ur nails, get into a nice bath robe, dry ur hair and make it all soft and nice.

    -give urself a make and outfit and try out some new make up ideas

    -design clothes ie. by drawing them with paper and pen, and plan to make them one day

    -write a list of all the things u'd like to do in ur u'd like, places in the world u'd like to visit....

    -look up recipes and bake or cook something nice for u and family/friends to enjoy

    hope these ideas help!

  6. yer im the same sometimes. you could try doing some cooking? or baking? make some nice cakes or something like that for your family or just for yourself there are some really good recipies you will be able to find. Meet up with some friends and go to a cinema, swimming, to the gym, or join a club for the summer that includes an activity you enjoy. get some good books to read or buy a few DVD's to keep you occupied or buy some computer games that will keep you busy. hope these ideas help

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