
Ok well this may sound horrible but everyday i wake up i have these maby 2 or 3 tiny animals in my hair, help?

by Guest64632  |  earlier

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ok well they look like tiny ladybird, there black, looks like they have wing but dont fly, i also have dandruff maby its from that i dont know someone help me its horrible, i shower everyday and it still doesnt go away plz help me make them go away"! plz!!!




  1. You probably have some bugs in your bed sheets/mattress  Remove all the sheets and pillows and get new sheets and pillows.  Also lift up your mattress and see if they are under your mattress.  If so, throw it out and get a new mattress.

  2. You probably have lice -- do they itch?? (some don't)

    They actually like clean hair, not dirty hair, so if it's lice the shower won't help!!

    They have over the counter stuff for this -- but be warned, it may take

    more than one treatment - You have to clean everything -- furniture, bedclothes, your clothes, carpet, pillows, stuffed animals, etc.

    It's worth it, tho"!!

    Go buy the stuff at any drugstore.

  3. Put used motor oil in your hair and set it on fire.  This will rid you of any nits and flies and such.

  4. Most likely lice or fleas, get some lice shampoo, and in a few weeks they'll be no more.

  5. you have lice!! and the "dandruff" is probably the nits/lice eggs!! get lice shampoo!

  6. Sounds to me like its lice. If it is your head would be really itchy. You need to go to a store and get some nit or lice shampoo. They will take a little while to get rid of but they will eventually go away. Just don't wait too much longer.

  7. It sounds like nits you can get some nit solution from the chemist and just so you know nits only go in clean hair and are very common good luck.

  8. They could be nits! =(

    if your head itches then go to a pharmacy and get nit shampoo and they will gone in no time,,

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