
Ok what I want to know is researchers in greenland are coming upon ......?

by Guest33639  |  earlier

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DNA from pre-historic creatures....Now can our current science actually create a real jurassic park?? And if they can then why destroy part of human existance???? Just to procreate a natural dissaster???? HHHmmmmmmmm.............




  1. Greenland is completely covered with ice except in places around the west coast.  The only research I know about,  (I'm not very savvy about drilling for oil), the scientists on the continent are interested in abrupt climate change and researching ice-cores for information of condition on Earth in the past. There's one book about it I liked:

    There are probably others - try Amazon.

  2. Recent improvements in ancient DNA sequencing have led gene researchers to predict we can sequence the entire Neanderthal genome within 2 to 3 yrs.  This will give us a genome far closer to Homo Sapien than the recently sequenced chimp genome.

    The cave bear & wooly mammoth are also on the list of animals whose genomes we plan to sequence & possibly clone in the future.  Because it appears these animals became extinct due to ancient human intervention, it is unlikely their existance would pose a danger to modern humans.

    Some dinosar DNA has been recovered & it appears many are closely related to birds... however it is unlikely we will recover enough DNA to unravel the entire genome in the near future. Here again, cloning one would pose little danger to humans & produce a wealth of knowledge.

  3. The Greenland ice sheet is starting to show for the first time in human history, They have found some settings from ancient Vikings but, other then this, global warming seems to be showing in Greenland faster than anywhere else

       As far as DNA from prehistoric creatures, they've (Japanese) have been able to take DNA from the ancient Mammoth and haven't decided on how to try it, with a modern elephant, by itself or? other then this prehistoric creatures that you worried about like a dinosaur isn't really feasible. The DNA has been far to deteriorated and it's usually in the fossil stages (bone) so no DNA cannot be taken, this only happens in movies.

       Sometimes it's hard to get DNA from a human body (modern) that's been buried to long due to degeneration, let along something that's been buried for hundreds of thousands of years.

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