
Ok... what are some beginner ice skating tricks? HELP?

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Alright just went skating tonight (first time in a while)... well the good news is I didn't stack it except when I exit the rink. I swear its more dangerous walking around on hard ground in ice skates than on ice lol

Now... I don't like it when pros come skating very fast past me... and they also go BACKWARDS weaving in and out! SHOW OFFS

How do I start learning to skate backwards? and how do I go from skating forwards to backwards?

How do I do an instant stop like the experienced skaters do?

What are my first goals once I've mastered skating around the rink without falling over or holding onto the barrier? lol

What are the advantages of borrowing ice skates versus buying personal ice skates? I noticed all the experienced skaters all had their own personal skates which might explain why they were doing better tricks than me!

Maybe I can instantly do more tricks with new skates? lol yes its all about the skates isn't it??




  1. First of all, you need to get enrolled in a group class, there, they will teach you the basics.

    If you plan on sticking with skating, you are better off buying your own . There is no need to break the bank , however get ready to spend between 100.00 t0 150.00 . You may have to purchace a pair that come with the blade, as you progress, there will be many other  options.

  2. learning how to go backwards:

    go up to the side wall. when your there turn around and hold onto the wall and glide back hold onto the wall. when you get use to it then go away from the wall by pushing off going backwards. make sure you have your arms out. wiggle a little when you lose speed. then just move one foot after another.

    going from forward to backward:

    when your going from forward to backward there a few different turns you can do such as

    1. 2-foot turn- have right arm in front and left arm in back. have both feet together while you are moving forward. then bend down and swing your body over on the right side(side where arm is in front). then you will be moving backwards

    2. 3-turn- is on one foot where your one leg it next to your ankle. the foot that is up it the arm that is forward. you can turn in or out.


    1. snowplow stop- pushing both legs out with intense force in the opposite dircetion. stop- moving forward. bring your right leg forward while you bend your knees. then push it so it stops.

    a goal would be learning crossover forward and backward. to do these you bring your foot infront of the other foot then hold it then bring it back. for backwards you just slide it don't pick it up cause that stops your speed. when you start learning all these things and can skate fine on one foot you can start learning small jumps such as the side toe hop. thats where you are facing side ways and you take your inside foot and stick it in the ice and pop up and land.

    an advantage would be you don't have to spend a lot of money on a new pair. but if you want to do really cool tricks and get good then you will have to get your own pair of skates. also borrowing skates means that it is broken in to that persons feet which can make them uncomfertable for you.

    its not all about the skates but it part of it . like the ankle support.

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