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Last night my husband and my self were at his adult softball game...Alot of people bring thier kids, anyway another one of the men brought his two children ( ages 7, and 10??) anyway this happened to be a night they had a double header. During the second game this guys kids were arguing so bad that he wasnt going to go back onto the field....I told him I would sit with them and keep them from fighting. While this guy was on the field the little boy (7) was trying to antagonize his sis (10?) anyway this sis was a real smarta** she told me that her mom was gonna kick my a**. But when dad came in off the field I told him what the kid said...he told her that they would discuss this later....I have really been bothered by the attitude of this teenage girl the air leaking out of her head noises and smart mouth have just gotten to me....BTW the guys play another double header next week so its not like I wont have to deal with these kids again...




  1. That's a hard one.  I guess as long as they weren't hitting each other, it sounds like typical brother/sister c**p.  I may have said something like "take it elsewhere, kids."  A teenage girl HATES being called a kid.  You don't have to tolerate rude behavior from anyone, no matter what the age.  But, you can ask them to be quiet or leave.  Maybe some of the other adults can back you up.

  2. You can't and often enough you don't have to deal with other peoples children.

    Obviously their is some bad parenting at home.

    At the next game just don't bother with the children. Ignore, ignore, ignore.

    Teenagers are idiots. Nothing will change that.

  3. The only way they learn is really from their parents.

    It's something that you can't really teach them in a night or two they have to have it drilled into them for a while.

    Their father sounds like a nice man, so it might come from their mother. But you never know what happens at home.

    It makes you make a mental note in your mind that you won't let your children be like it don't you?

    I do it when im out and i'm like I won't let me son do that, or be like that.

    It's horrible that children don't respect adults now.

  4. Other people's children huh?  Just blow it off.  Next time don't offer to keep them from fighting.  Sit somewhere else.

  5. my heart tells me you should kick her mom and dads a## to prove a point, but unfortunately i have a brain and i think that situation days everyone tries sooo hard to be politicaly correct u know??back in the day, parents and adults of the community raised the children, and respect of all adults happened...and when you told thwe dad about what she said, he should have repremanded her right there but he didnt and it sucks but what more can u expect from a guy who couldnt keep them in line when he was present...avoid them like the ebola virus...maybe dad will get the point and realize he may have to look into purchasing some b@ll$, cuz he clearly lost his somewhere...

    p.s, sorry to be so harsh but u see tooo tooo many disrespectfull kids these days

  6. I think the man did the right thing and the wrong thing.  He said he would talk to her daughter later about private.  It is his place to discipline her.  He most likely did. However, I think that he should of had her apologize to you.

    Having said that you don't "have to deal with them again."  Just don't volunteer to watch them for him again.  Sit somewhere else where you aren't around them.  You don't HAVE to deal with them if you don't want to.
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