
Ok whats up with the democrats?

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ok so im pretty young and i dont know alot about politics

but today my mom told me that democrats are pro abortion!

thats bad its just the same as killing a person

and before barak obama(sp) was running for president, he said it was ok for when there was abortions, if the baby wasnt killed and was born, they could kill the baby anyways!

thats all murder

i mean so someone could go and attempt to kill someone and if they didnt kill them the first time, they could go and try again and it would be ok?




  1. Democrats really don't care about that or they wouldn't be Democrats.

    Michael Vick took better care of his dogs than the Dems do little babies that depend on us.

  2. There all panzis

  3. s***w it all just go move to some system that you like.

  4. Lets just say that with all these topics:::


    Trade deficit



    Gas prices

    Alternative Energy


    Health Care

    ....If you choose your deciding vote on abortion, perhaps you should pick something that will actually be changed.

    The Republicans use this abortion debate as a tool to keep people like your mother voting Republican.  If they were to EVER...EVER overturn it, they would lose that critical voting block and then those people would have to start thinking about the more pressing issues.

  5. To update "MRTNLU" on his possibly outdated information, the process is called "LIVE ABORTION".  The young lady is correct in what she said.  If you choose, and are connected with the "right" health facility and doctors, they will perform a "LIVE ABORTION" for you, for the "right" amount of money.  How it's done.......the child is put into a room, alone, and left there to die, completely unattended.  Now, that ought to wake up some "bleeding heart liberals", if nothing else will.  YES, it's REALLY done in THIS country.  And, the young lady is also correct on one other point, Mr. Obama is in favor of this procedure.  Watch the YOUTUBE video presentation on "LIVE ABORTION", if you are ready to cry, be totally disillusioned with our democratic party, or if you are ready to become very sick.  I SAY....ADOPTION, NOT ABORTION!  Lots of good folks are out there just waiting for a chance to become adoptive parents.

  6. Democrats are pro abortion.  They just call it pro choice.  I guess the baby is not the one with a choice.

  7. You should concentrate on spelling, capitalization, and basic English grammar before you delve into heavier topics. And if you believe your mom about killing babies after they're born, you need to take a reality class, too. Get educated, think for yourself, then come back and chat.

    And just for the record (to one of your fans)- michael vick took better care of his dogs than w has done with our troops. Where are those darn WMD? And has anyone seen Osama the past seven years?

    ol_niteh...: do you smoke crack??? You are out of your skull crazy if you think anyone of any party puts a baby in a room to die, and says it's abortion. You're just off your rocker. Do you have 182 cats in your house, too?

    And what makes it cool for w to kill thousands of troops over those darn WMD that have been know not to exist for five years? How is w any more worthy to take lives than a doctor - or you or me? The way I see it, I should be able to kill anyone I want, as long as I say they threaten me with weapons that don't exist.

    For real - get a life and an argument, loser.

  8. The abortion process you are referring to is where they deliver the baby early and expect it to die. 20% of the time the baby lives. In Chicago they would put the babies into the utility closet for an hour until they died. They later had a room where you could take pictures of your dying premature child.

    Illinois law later banned this, but Obama voted against that law! Pretty horrible.

    But that's not that bad. Obama's economic policies are much worse in the grand scheme of things.

    The funny thing is that he's against the death penalty. He's fine with killing a child by injecting a saline solution into its skull, but a serial killer can't be killed with a needle in his arm?

  9. Do you believe everything your mother tells you? Like Santa Claus and the Easter bunny. You can believe abortion is wrong and not ever have one that is your choice and you are entitled to it, but other women are entitled to make their own choice. Many republicans like to spread the LIE that democrats are pro abortion. That is not true. Democrats are in favor of human rights. it's all about choice. Do you want a man telling you what you can and cannot do with your body?  

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