
Ok why do people think that humans will eventually be completely bald?

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people are saying due to global warming humans are going to be completely bald due to evolution


basically evolution is survival of the fittest, so how can you be at a disadvantage and not be able to reproduce by having hair. Thats the only way a trait can disappear, if people with that trait can't reproduce and pass on their genes because they die. But people can just cut/shave it off doesn't make any sense.




  1. People have lost most of the hair on their bodies except their hair.  Right now the earth is still too cold to loose hair on the head through disuse.  It helps to keep people warm in the winter and it keeps the sun off the top of your head in the summer.  The crown of your head could be very susceptible to skin cancer if it is bald, without a hat.  also sexual selection is very strong across animals.  If nice, thick hair is s**y, which seems to be the case, it will be propagated.

  2. yeah i think the ppl that say that are retards!!!i agree with you!! and it dont make sense to me either

  3. Men start going bald from age 18. If they keep on losing hair, it makes sense to think that they will soon get bald. It figures. What has global warming to do with it?

  4. i like bald beaver anyway hate hairs stuck in my teeth

  5. never heard of that theory.. maybe they think the sun will burn off our hair, i could live without it..... in that case, here's my can of hairspray, and i think im gonna leave my car running all night..

    god bless global warming.!

  6. <<ok why do people think that humans will eventually be completely bald?>>

    I've no idea.  As far as I'm aware, this thought is your own invention.  Therefore, it's up to you to justify it.

  7. because hair isnt necessary for survival.

    neanderthol man had more hair than we do to keep warm, now we have clothes we dont need as much hair. so the warmer the planet gets the less we need out hair.

    tho i wouldnt have thought we would be completely bald, because underarm and so on stops sweat where it is so it can evaporate and cool the body. so surely as global warming increases we will need this hair more.

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